Location: Canada

In 1998, I left a good life and good friends in Cold Lake, moved to Sparwood, BC and married Ron, who I had almost married in 1971. Unable to get a full-rime job, I'm substitute teaching. Though beautiful country, life here is pretty dull so I look forward to opportunities to get away and this blog lets me share my new life with family and friends.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Becca asks, on her blog, why I'm so long between postings. She doesn't live in boring Sparwood with a boring "old man." Here's an example of the most exciting recent events here.

On a warm winter day in January, more that a dozen deer bedded down in the sun in our yard.
In the picture on the right, notice the red roof below the hill. This home is on a large acreage and is worth over a million.

This photo was taken in the same spot, almost exactly two months later.
Yes, that WAS the house with the red roof! (Across the river, people sat watching in their vehicles, parked side by side as if at a drive-in movie.)

Last week they had a baby shower
for my friend's daughter and she
asked me to make the cake
-my first one for a Sparwoodian., Becca. Wasn't that exciting?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm excited! Yay mom!


10:53 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

Amazing cake!!!!

I see here Becca gets her cooking abilites from

Hope you are doing well.

Julie - Becca's friend from Edmonton

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those arson plotting deer must be stopped! ;) Please be careful Esme!

- Nancy

7:39 PM  
Blogger Becca said...

Deer! Fire! Cake! Three things that aren't on MY Blog! Yes, that was exciting!
(Awesome cake, by the way.)
Oh, and Nancy, I betcha those bunnies that lived under Mom's deck were in on it...

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, great to see that somebody is looking. Thanks for your comments. (Of course I remember you, Julie.)

12:52 PM  

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