Location: Canada

In 1998, I left a good life and good friends in Cold Lake, moved to Sparwood, BC and married Ron, who I had almost married in 1971. Unable to get a full-rime job, I'm substitute teaching. Though beautiful country, life here is pretty dull so I look forward to opportunities to get away and this blog lets me share my new life with family and friends.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Nova Scotia July,2005
Trent and Rebecca moved to Halifax last fall and have bought a unique home in the suburb of Williamswood. This was my first visit to our East Coast and they provided me with many unforgettable experiences.
Becca and I spent two separate days at The Waterfront where we watched the Buskers, browsed the souvenir shops and pigged out on seafood. The Harbour Hopper, an amphibious vehicle, took us on a historic tour of downtown and the harbour.

I enjoyed a few days with an old University chum. Carol Bigio. She and her friend took me to Grand Pré in the scenic Acadia Valley.

Becca and Trent also took me on a scenic drive along the coast to Peggy's Cove (that's me by the lighthouse), Mahone Bay and Lunenberg where we were able to board the Blunose II.

We dis-assembled their dilapidated deck and painted their solarium.

Just before I left, Trent brought home three whole lobsters.Mmmm! (I didn't need to take my Omega 3-6-9 the whole time I was there.)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy and I never made it on the Harbour Hopper, but wished we did. We think they stopped doing the harbour part of the tour since that one in the states sunk. Besides, I can't imagine swimming in Halifax harbour would be that nice.

8:11 AM  

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