Esme's Excursions

Location: Canada

In 1998, I left a good life and good friends in Cold Lake, moved to Sparwood, BC and married Ron, who I had almost married in 1971. Unable to get a full-rime job, I'm substitute teaching. Though beautiful country, life here is pretty dull so I look forward to opportunities to get away and this blog lets me share my new life with family and friends.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lake Koocanusa
Sept. /06
Lake Koocanusa (koo-kan-oosa) was formed by the Libby Dam, built by the U.S. in 1972. On the border of B.C., it was named after the Kootenay Tourist District, Canada and the USA. It has been stocked with rainbow trout and Kokanee salmon and has provided many pleasant campsites on both sides of the border.

Ron and I camped on the U.S. side in September.

Philip Who?
In August, I received a visit from a tall, handsome and charming young man who claimed to be my son. Since I hadn't seen him for nearly a year (by far the longest time since his arrival into this world), close inspection was necessary to confirm his identity.

He helped with the outdoor swing that I had just begun to build.

He sanded, drilled countersunk screw holes, cut pieces and assembled.

...So how come Ron got to try it out first?

Thanks, Phil. I enjoyed the time with you very much and I'm looking forward to having you and Nancy here for Christmas.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Nova Scotia July,2005
Trent and Rebecca moved to Halifax last fall and have bought a unique home in the suburb of Williamswood. This was my first visit to our East Coast and they provided me with many unforgettable experiences.
Becca and I spent two separate days at The Waterfront where we watched the Buskers, browsed the souvenir shops and pigged out on seafood. The Harbour Hopper, an amphibious vehicle, took us on a historic tour of downtown and the harbour.

I enjoyed a few days with an old University chum. Carol Bigio. She and her friend took me to Grand Pré in the scenic Acadia Valley.

Becca and Trent also took me on a scenic drive along the coast to Peggy's Cove (that's me by the lighthouse), Mahone Bay and Lunenberg where we were able to board the Blunose II.

We dis-assembled their dilapidated deck and painted their solarium.

Just before I left, Trent brought home three whole lobsters.Mmmm! (I didn't need to take my Omega 3-6-9 the whole time I was there.)


Sparwood, May, 2005

A few notable events occured this spring. A nearby farmer let loose about 100 domestic rabbits who soon spread all over town and we all know what rabbits do well. One pair moved in under our deck and produced ten babies.

The twelve of them cleaned out all the flowerbeds in the neighbourhood before we caught them, kept them in the bathroom overnight and gave them to a local hobby farm.

Then Becca came for a short visit before attending a conference at U.N.B.C.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Days 8&9: Feb. 26/27/06
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Before flying back to winter and snow, we had a day and a half to tour San Juan. I had to twist Ron's arm to see El Morro. He was more fascinated with the history than I was.

A Spanish land and sea defense for San Juan, construction was begun in the mid-1500s and additions and renovations continued for hundreds of years.

That's Ron at the bottom and me beside the cannons.

Then we spent the afternoon strolling around truly beautiful, historic "Old San Juan."

Alas, all good things must come to an end. It took me eight years to persuade Ron to go on this trip and, yay, he caught the travel bug and is already planning one for 2008.

Farewell, San Juan.

Please visit me again because I'd like to share with you my visit with Trent and Becca in Halifax.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I forgot to tell you about a very special evening on board, when they announced that Duke Daniels of The Platters would be performing in the Palladium, which is a huge amphitheatre. We enjoyed the performance thoroughly and heard him tell what a privilege it had been for him to sing with The Platters. He began with my favourite, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes which brought tears to my eyes. When he ended Only You, he held that last note too long to be humanly possible but it was impressive. Song after song sounded exactly as we all remember them and I was captivated.
When we got home, I researched The Platters and Duke Daniels online. Never, with the original Platters or subsequent groups with the same name and same songs, could I find a Duke Daniels as part of the group. He was a fraud!