Location: Canada

In 1998, I left a good life and good friends in Cold Lake, moved to Sparwood, BC and married Ron, who I had almost married in 1971. Unable to get a full-rime job, I'm substitute teaching. Though beautiful country, life here is pretty dull so I look forward to opportunities to get away and this blog lets me share my new life with family and friends.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Day Two, Monday, February 20 -St. Thomas
My second time here but the beauty of St. Thomas was still as captivating. We docked in Havensight on the Caribbean side and shared a small tour bus (open-sided) with one other couple.

That's our ship, Carnival Destiny.

The tour took us over the mountains to the Atlantic side of the island.

Near this beach (can you find Ron?) we saw iguanas cooling themselves in the foliage of the trees but they wouldn't show up in our photos.

Megan's Bay is where Becca and Phil went snorkling six years ago. I'ts rated among the best beaches in the world.

Behind my back in the photo of the bay was "Ponce de Leon's Seat." He kept his ships in the bay and, from this viewpoint above, he could watch for enemy ships approaching from afar.

Back in Havensight. That's our ship behind me.

By the way, when Ron woke up that morning, he was as red as a lobster and willingly used my Watkins Aloe Vera sunblock while in St. Thomas.

I won another $350 at the casino that evening.


Blogger Becca said...

It looks beautiful! I particularly like the spectacular shot of Ron's finger...

11:39 AM  

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